Friday, November 21, 2008


Last Ride

Today, Tim and I took our last ride to work in Shanghai. On our bikes and not in a taxi! We were quiet as we rode along the creek path, past the man with his 4-pole bamboo fishing net, past the guards to the park who would never need to try and chase us out again, as we were passed by a government-plated, tint windowed, black Mercedes. The cool autumn air pinked our cheeks, while the sun shone through enough haze to remind us we were in Shanghai. I was riding my Giant cruiser with the basket on front and held onto Tim's backpack to keep up to his single speed. The mood was somber as we struggled with mixed feelings, exhaustion, and possible oncoming colds. We parked the bikes at NI, and I handed over the keys to Tim. He had sold them to work colleagues.

Our house now has, if you can believe it, zero bikes. Don't worry, there are still 4 in Austin.

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