Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Ziggy II

A follow up to Tim's post about winning Ziggy tickets. I bet you were all wondering HOW he won. It was from a local expat mag (or is it 'zine?). Here's how the contest went:

CW: The person who writes the best comment, wins front row tickets to see Ziggy Marley!
If Ziggy Marley was a Chinese superhero, what would his power be?

Tim: Make Everybody Feel 海
Sorry to have to go there, alonso, but no superhero named Ziggy would be worth his spliff if his super power was not to waft in and ‘make everybody feel 海’。 Crammed into the line 2 metro at People's Square? Accosted by purse hawkers on Huai hai lu? Trapped inside another Kenny G concert? Ziggy to the rescue. Yeah, that’s the power of Ziggy’s Shanghai 海。
by stelzer on March 15, 2007 at 10:05am

CW: @ steltzert
Yeah, inevitable, indeed. Good one.
by alonso on March 15, 2007 at 11:02am

And, Tim gave me these tickets as a surprise. I love surprises, and Tim is really good at them.

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