Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Shān 山

Mountain. Hill.

Today, Tim and I headed out early for another training ride before work. The wind was coming from the east, which is good for several reasons:

1. As we always ride east, it means a tailwind on the way back :)
2. The air is cleaner with easterlies blowing through. Must be that the air over the (highly polluted) East China sea is actually cleaner than the air coming from the (highly polluting) factories in the north, west and south of Shanghai.

Thanks to those easterlies, we set of to high puffy clouds with blue sky in between. Where to ride? Tim asked, "Where is the biggest shān in Shanghai?" Naturally, that would be the overpass. We rode it 8 times, up and back. By the last one, I was feeling a little burn. Did I mention there was no need to downshift going up this hill?

Ah, well. A good morning none the less. This weekend we really have a chance for some hills. We are heading to Moganshan for a mountain triathlon with a local triathlon group. The race is Saturday, and we hope for the energy and time to get more hills in on Sunday before coming back to Shanghai. It should be fun, I'll write all about it after the weekend. Our life right now is a lot of biking, preparing for Tibet and getting really really excited!

Today's ride stats (Tim reminded me we are not done yet - we still need to ride home from work!): 26.5km, avg. 23.4 km/h, elevation change: 10m.

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