Monday, May 26, 2008


Rèqǐ Láile 热起来了

Summer's here.

After the longest spell of wonderful spring weather we have witnessed in Shanghai, finally rèqǐ láile. Today is Memorial day in the US, always the unofficial start of summer in Michigan, usually celebrated by installing the dock at the cottage during rain and 55 degree air temps.

So, what marks the start of summer here in Shanghai? Here are the telltale signs that rèqǐ láile:
  1. Umbrellas. Everywhere. And it is NOT raining.
  2. Full-face shields, tie on sleeves, the aforementioned umbrella, any means necessary to keep skin out of the sun and risk losing the pearl white complexion.
  3. A sudden absense of the question that almost becomes a mantra for our coworkers during the winter: "Aren't you cold?" Its replaced by the simple phrase: "Hot!"
  4. In blatent disagreement with #2, the emergence of very short shorts and skirts (mainly by the young female population). I guess the leg complexion is not of top concern.
  5. After dinner, in the street. boxer shorts and a wifebeater pulled up exposing the belly. The relaxed summer outfit of the older male.
  6. The air quality has gone south, fast. Tim describes it as "the inside of a stale balloon". Bottle me up some and you can use it to remind me not to come to Shanghai in June.
  7. Bamboo mats! Get your bamboo sleeping mats! We actually should get one... it gets hot and stuffy at night.
  8. The sun is up before 5am (today-4:53). That's just crazy!
  9. Spring Sleepiness, 春困 (chūnkùn), is replaced by Summer Sleepiness, 歇夏 (xiēxià), which will be followed by Autumn Fatigue, 秋乏 (qiūfá)...
  10. My personal favorite - sweating on the ride to work. Bike or Taxi. Just stepping outside is enough.

Ah, Shanghai Summer.

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