Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Zang 赃

Booty. Loot. Spoils.

After my last trip to the US, I came home and unloaded the 80 lbs of zang onto the bed so we could fenzang (divide the spoils). What, you might wonder, would I deem so important that I would personally import it from the US? As a general rule, if I can buy it here, I don't bother carrying it over, even if I need to pay an arm and a leg for it. Here's what I snuck in this time, you bet this one was opened by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security:

From top:
Women's size 10 shoes, Men's size 12 shoes, Almonds, Pecans, Clif Bars, Craisins, Trio Bars, Mobile Hard Drive with image for work (a LOT faster than downloading it), AMD Processor Validation Mug, Thermal Grease, Sensitive Skin Lotion, Pepper Grinder (available here, but unworldly expensive, and not good quality), Walnuts (also available here , but for some reason taste like meat), Trader Joe's Natural Peanut Butter, Michigan U.P. Real Maple Syrup, Cold Eeze, Tofu Tacos, Wheat Germ (used to be available, but I haven't seen it in a while), Quinoa, Fireman's 4 Gingerman Logo Pint, Contact Lens Solution (available, but don't trust it), Saline Solution, Clif Shots, Large Soft Head Toothbrush, Deoderant, Herbal Tea (I know, importing tea to China??), Burt's Bees Facial Wash and Echinacea.

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