Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Tou piao 投票


Pop quiz for all of you (American) readers out there on "Super Tuesday". Simple show of hands ...

- How many of you voted in your primary election? Good.
- Now, how many of you were able to tou piao in your pajamas over breakfast?

Besides all my unemployed wonkette friends, I'm guessing very few. Sometimes living abroad in a communist country has its perks when it comes to the democratic process. Actually, this may be the only time.

In fact, for the first time ever, Americans expats can vote in the Democrats Abroad overseas primary. And as if avoiding the dreaded geographical disenfranchisement wasn't enough, those crazy Dems even allow you to - get this - vote online! So while my fellow citizens were trudging through snow storms and waiting in lines (yeah, right, lines for a primary!), Laurel and I were casting our ballot electronically from the relative warmth and comfort of our living room.

Combine this with a recent Obama rally in our neighborhood, and I'm feeling downright civic in Shanghai.

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