Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Taifeng 台风


I'll say right off that we are OK, and didn't get anything more than a little rain from the typhoon that was headed here last night.

Last night Taifeng Wipha was scheduled to hit Shanghai. Adrenaline and excitement ran high as everyone scurried out of work early yesterday, it felt like a blizzard or ice storm were coming. Or probably like a tropical storm, but being from Michigan, I can only relate this to natural disasters of the winter variety. AMD finally got an email that work was to be canceled for today (Wednesday).

Tim and I had tickets to the US-Nigeria Women's World Cup Soccer game that is going on in China this year. I was scared and didn't want to go, but the game was still on, so we got our umbrellas, rain jackets and ponchos and headed out to the stadium. It did rain, off and on really hard, but we got seats where we didn't really get wet except when it was windy and enjoyed the game. The score was 1-0 US so now they advance to the quarter finals. Some games for today were moved due to the typhoon.

Anticlimactically, I just woke up to dry streets and relatively clear skies. Wipha, while belting Zhejiang province to our south, hit land and lost speed, never making it to Shanghai. I guess I got a day off out of it, and I am really glad we didn't miss the game. Tim still has to go to work. :-)

I was thinking about you guys today- glad to hear you're ok, and really glad you got a day off of work! :)
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