Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Meiguo 美国


We spent the last 3 weeks getting over jetlag, filling up on Texmex and clean air, soaking up the 100 degree heat, and riding our bikes at speeds that exceeded 5 mph! Oh, the good old U.S. of A. Tim spent the time in Austin, mostly at work, since that is why we were home. Meanwhile I got to work a bit, travel to San Diego, see my lovely sisters and buy everything I can't find over here (which included: Clif bars, granola bars, garbanzo beans, lentils, size 10 shoes, tofu taco mix, expensive hiking gear from REI, and so much more...). It was good to see Austin again, and of course spend time with our friends. Our major complaints would be with the lack of customer service, which came as a shock. Is China better? I don't know, maybe we just cannot complain because of the language barrier and thus our tolerance is higher. But there is something about a waitress who will patiently stand near the table while you peruse the entire menu waiting for your order without expecting a tip. In any case, we had a good trip. But it is good to be home. And now Shanghai feels like home. The weather is in the low 60s still with rain (boo) but I'm not going too far today. And the good news is I got a laptop so I am 100% connected (after months of 5 minutes/day) and can update as much as I want to. Next up I want to give you all a tour of our place. No sense in waiting for us to decorate... That could be a while. Next up - Lijiang Labor Day trip! Followed by Kim & Steve, Jay & Michelle!

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