Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Jirou 鸡肉

So here is one way you can buy a chicken here in China. You can also get one alive (choose the best looking one of the 250 clawing over each other in the 5’x5’ back room of the wet market). I opted for the pre-murdered, feathered version you see here. There are a few differences between this chicken and one you might buy in America.
1. Most obviously, this one seems to still have some additional body parts I didn’t know jirou had (and I have heard KFC has engineered out of them): feet and a head! Such delicacies, I am afraid that I was inclined to discard them however…
2. Rubber Gloves. Those are for me, not the chicken. Since I am sure this chicken has a greater chance of carrying the (scary!) bird flu. So I was careful while it was raw.
3. This particular bird (and all that I have seen) does not appear to be genetically engineered at all. So for a 1kg bird, you get about 3 oz. of breast meat and 5 oz of dark meat. The rest is bones, beak and toenails. And organs - just the tasty ones, the others seem to have already been thankfully removed.
Luckily, I was making tortilla soup (Aaron, you got me thinking...) and just needed the bird for its bones and stock making potential. Some tortilla chips ($6) and avocados (decently priced at $1.25 ea) from the American grocery store and we had a lovely dinner last night.

You are my hero Laurel! I love it!
Chicken legs. heh.

I'm glad you have an American grocery store to get all important guac at :)
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